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  1. The possibility of receiving spam, or unsolicited advertising (commercial) transmitted electronically.
  2. Malware, which is software that is able to, once you start it, to infect files in the way of themselves, usually without being noticed by the user. Computer viruses can be more or less harmful to the operating system in which they are located, but even in the less serious cases are a waste of RAM, CPU and hard disk space.
  3. The presence and operation of Internet worms, or malware capable of self-duplication. E-mail worm is a disruptive network attack that collects all email addresses are located in your program (eg MS Outlook) and then sends hundreds of emails containing the worm as an attachment.
  4. Ability to activation spyware, spyware is a software that spies user activities on the Internet, it installs without user knowledge, consent and control.
  5. The opportunity to be exposed to cracking or phishing (password fishing) - in the context of computer phishing technique is hacking (cracking), used to gain access to personal and confidential information to steal your identity by sending fake emails reminders to appear genuine.
  6. Software piracy - a term used by pirates to describe software that has been stripped copy protection and are available on the Internet, where it can be downloaded
  7. Sniffing - illegal interception, other than tolerance within the limits of the concept of cracking and phising, relies on the use of sniffer - a computer program, whose goal is to capture and analyze any data flowing on the network
  8. The possibility for other persons using the computerized system and / or the telecommunications network of illicit devices which give unauthorized access to protected services
  9. Cryptanalysis, it is to find weaknesses in the cryptographic system, and thus enable it to break or bypass
  10. The opportunity to be exposed to the action of another unwanted or “malicious“ software, performing unintended actions by the user, does not fall under the definition of the boundaries of the above, and the ones which are under the names: wabbit, trojan, backdoors, exploits, rootkits, keyloggers, dialers, hoax.
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19. Honshu Practice Gladiator Swor...
20. Red Dragon Stage Combat Sabre
21. Cold Steel Mini Buckler
22. 3 Sword Wooden Wall Rack
23. Lion Tai Chi Sword PP black
24. Cold Steel Damascus Viking Swo...
25. Honshu Single Sword Display St...
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