Whip Chain Shaolin Kungfu |
Points: 1
The whip chain is an important component of the weapons family of the Shaolin traditional weapons. We offer nine-section(NU-007-9) and eleven-section(NU-007-11) whip chain. Sold Out
7 Section Whip Chain KungFu (45-27N) |
Points: 2
Our Whip Chains are available in Seven or Nine Sections with a choice of lightweight Wushu steel(45-27N) or heavier combat steel(45-27). Sold Out
9 Section Whip Chain KungFu (45-29) |
Points: 2
Our Whip Chains are available in Seven or Nine Sections with a choice of lightweight Wushu steel(45-29N) or heavier combat steel(45-29). Sold Out
Jitte (OH2052) |
Points: 3
Carried by the police in old Japan, the Jitte was a versatile weapon that could be used to attack the neck and head od an opponent. but its primary use was a sword catcher and deflector. There are many stories of jittejutsu "masters" snapping katana blades or disarming their owners. The Jitte features a 10 3/4" round section steel rod and a leather wrapped grip with a finger width blade trapper. Sold Out
Ninja Kusara Kama (16-21) |
Points: 3
Ninja Kusari-Gama is made from black steel with a strong 23" chain hidden in handle. Unsharpened blade. Sold Out
Emei Piercers (GTTD324) |
The Piercer is a dual-wielded, double-pointed spike. Connected to the main shaft is a ring meant to encircle the finger so that it may be twirled. This weapon is much more subtle and concealable than any sword or bladed weapon; combatants are often unaware of the Piercer until it is too late. Sold Out
Nunchaku 12'' Cord Rubber Black |
The ultimate competition nunchaku. Light weight wood trimmed in Mylar metallic and glitter tape. 12” stick length with approx. 2 1/2 “ cord. Comes in 3 colors: red, blue, and black. Approx. 4.5 oz. Sold Out
Tags: martial arts, katana, iaito, sword, fencing, tonfa, boken, bokken, kama, shinai, samuraj, judo, karate, kenjutsu, kenjitsu, ninja, kungfu,