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Citadel Katana Special Waves (CDK6)  
Citadel Katana Special Waves (CDK6) Points: 50   Additional photo in details view
Beautiful replica of a Shinto Katana. The decoration work is on the theme of waves and goes along with a strong, grooved blade. Beautiful, well balanced, DNH7 steel Yamato blade forged with 3 hammers on a charcoal bed. True clay selective temper, as usual.
Hand sharpened, hand polished DNH7 high carbon steel blade with true differential quenching. Genuine white rayskin handle with silk cord wrap. Black finish handmade iron tsuba. Black lacquer finish wood scabbard.
  2450,00 EUR

Citadel Katana Shira Saya (CDK7)  
Citadel Katana Shira Saya (CDK7) Points: 50   Additional photo in details view
Strong grooved DNH7 steel blade forged with 3 hammers on a charcoal bed. Shinto style, Yamato type. Ji has a mat polish while Shinogi Ji has a "miror" polish.
Hand sharpened, hand polished DNH7 high carbon steel blade with true differential quenching. Lacquer finish natural wood scabbard.
  1493,00 EUR

Citadel Katana Luxe Black (CDK8)  
Citadel Katana Luxe Black (CDK8) Points: 50   Additional photo in details view
A Katana with a strong appearance thanks to the wide Mi haba of its DNH7 hand forged steel blade. The structure of this beautiful blade is Yamato with a typical Shinto Sugata with nice proportions. True visible selective clay temper line, of course.
Hand sharpened, hand polished DNH7 high carbon steel blade with true differential quenching. Genuine white rayskin handle with silk cord wrap. Black finish handmade iron tsuba. Black lacquer finish wood scabbard.
  2450,00 EUR

Citadel Katana Battodo (CDK9)  
Citadel Katana Battodo (CDK9) Points: 50   Additional photo in details view
Specialy meant for cutting this katana is handy with enough inertia for an easy cutting. Shinto style, very slightly curved, full blade with a well balanced Sugata. DNH7 steel hand forged with 3 hammers on a charcoal bed, true differential clay temper.
Hand sharpened, hand polished DNH7 high carbon steel blade with true differential quenching. Genuine white rayskin handle with silk cord wrap. Black finish handmade iron tsuba. Black lacquer finish wood scabbard.
  1990,00 EUR

Citadel Katana Silver and Same (CDK10)  
Citadel Katana Silver and Same (CDK10) Points: 50   Additional photo in details view
Beautiful Shinto style Katana well balanced with a reasonable weight.
All koshirae metal pieces are silver plated and Saya is partially covered with polished ray skin. All that gives to this sabre an elegant and serious looking.
Blade is build in Yamato style, little curved. DNH7 high carbon steel hand forged with 3 hammers on a charcoal bed. Bohi ends paralele to the point -as Japanese tradition orders. True selective clay tempering giving as usual a true and neat Hamon.
Hand sharpened, hand polished DNH7 high carbon steel blade with true differential quenching. Genuine white rayskin handle with silk cord wrap. Black finish handmade iron tsuba. Black lacquer finish wood scabbard.
  2750,00 EUR

Citadel Katana Flowers Silver (CDK11)  
Citadel Katana Flowers Silver (CDK11) Points: 50   Additional photo in details view
Powerful Katana with great decoration : silvered brass pieces, Saya with flowers, and engraved-sculpted Bamboo design on Tsuba and Fushi-Kashira.
Long blade handforged in DNH7 steel with 3 hammers on sharcoal bed. True selective temper made according the traditionnal process of clay quenshing and, thus true temper line, as usual.
Hand sharpened, hand polished DNH7 high carbon steel blade with true differential quenching. Genuine white rayskin handle with silk cord wrap. Black finish handmade iron tsuba. Black lacquer finish wood scabbard.
  2750,00 EUR

Citadel Curly Katana Shira Saya (CDK12)  
Citadel Curly Katana Shira Saya (CDK12) Points: 50   Additional photo in details view
Beautiful Shira Saya made in curly wood.
Yamato blade, little curved, without grooves, hand forged with 3 hammers on a sharkoal bed.
Multipurpose blade good for Tameshigiri or Iaïdo.
Hand sharpened, hand polished DNH7 high carbon steel blade with true differential quenching. Lacquer finish natural wood scabbard.
  1490,00 EUR

Citadel Katana Yoshi (CDK13)  
Citadel Katana Yoshi (CDK13) Points: 50   Additional photo in details view
Beautifull Yamato style blade : High Shinogis and diamond point. Perfect for both Iaï and Battodo with an ideal weight.
Dnh7 steel hand forged with three hammers on sharcoal bed.
Hand sharpened, hand polished DNH7 high carbon steel blade with true differential quenching. Genuine white rayskin handle with silk cord wrap. Black finish handmade iron tsuba. Black lacquer finish wood scabbard.
  2210,00 EUR

Citadel Katana Super Yoshi (CDK14)  
Citadel Katana Super Yoshi (CDK14) Points: 50   Additional photo in details view
Beautifull Koto style blade. Dnh7 steel hand forged with three hammers on sharcoal bed.
Hand sharpened, hand polished DNH7 high carbon steel blade with true differential quenching. Genuine white rayskin handle with silk cord wrap. Black finish handmade iron tsuba. Black lacquer finish wood scabbard.
  2290,00 EUR

Hanwei Raptor Katana, Moroha Zukuri  (SH2413)  
Hanwei Raptor Katana, Moroha Zukuri (SH2413) Points: 30   Additional photo in details view Clearance sale
Forged in the Kissaki Moro Ha Zukuri style, the blade design of the Moroha Zukuri Katana is based on a Tachi blade believed to have been forged around 800 AD by the smith Amakuni, though many similar blades have been produced in later Japanese history.
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Hanwei Three Monkey Wakizashi (SH2330)  
Hanwei Three Monkey Wakizashi (SH2330) Points: 40   Additional photo in details view
The "Three Wise Monkeys" is a popular symbol of the "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" proverb popular in many cultures around the world. The proverb itself is thought to have originated in China and was brought to Japan by a Buddhist monk, while the association with three monkeys appears to be a Japanese play on words. Our Three Monkey Katana (SH2329) and Wakizashi (SH2330) are built on traditional Shinogi Zukuri style blades with Bo-Hi to reduce weight and improve balance. The high-carbon blade is hand forged and differentially hardened. The blackened iron Tsuba features the "Three Wise Monkeys" in relief.
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Deluxe Japanese Sword Care Kit (UC1480)  
Deluxe Japanese Sword Care Kit (UC1480) Points: 2  
Traditional Maintenance Kit. The kit contains blade oil, an oiling cloth, a powder ball for blade polishing, brass awl and hammer.
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Ninja Kenjutsu Japanese Sword Kihon Fundamentals (SKH0003)  
Ninja Kenjutsu Japanese Sword Kihon Fundamentals (SKH0003)
KUKISHINDEN RYU KENJUTSU KIHON is a 80 minute DVD video home-training long-distance learning program full of exercises, insights, and instructions for passing the test for Kihon Fundamentals diploma licensing in the martial art of Japanese Sengoku-jidai Warring States sword technique taught in Stephen K. Hayes' martial art of To-Shin Do. This one-of-a-kind DVD covers techniques and tactics for developing the kind of skill for which the ninja invisible warriors of Japan became legends.
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Wakizashi Ten Ryu Damascus Sword Dragon Tsuba (MAZ-401M)  
Wakizashi Ten Ryu Damascus Sword Dragon Tsuba (MAZ-401M) Points: 12  
Ten Ryu handmade wakizashi sword with blood groove.
High carbon folded steel blade, hand forged and folded, sharp, with bohi. Full tang construction, two mekugi, can be disassembled. Authentic Ray Skin wrapped handle with cotton cord. Tsuba depicts a dragon battle motif. Saya - wooden, black. Include cotton sword bag.
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Ten Ryu Damascus Sword Samurai Battle Tsuba (MAZ-400)  
Ten Ryu Damascus Sword Samurai Battle Tsuba (MAZ-400) Points: 12   Additional photo in details view
Ten Ryu handmade katana with blood groove.
High carbon steel blade, hand forged and folded(10 folds), sharp, with bohi. Full tang construction, two mekugi, can be disassembled. Authentic Ray Skin wrapped handle with cotton cord. Tsuba with samurai battle design. Saya - wooden, black. Include cotton sword bag.
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