Hanwei Practical Special Katana (SH2376) |
Points: 15
The Practical Special is a subtly modified version of the Practical Katana(SH1070), made in response to requests for a quicker sword at the same economy price. The blade dimensions have been changed only slightly and the tsuba cutouts have been enlarged, and though this has resulted in a weight loss of only 3 oz, the difference in handling is very noticeable. The Practical will remain the standard for hard, regular cutting, but for those needing a faster draw, multiple cut katana at an economy price, the Special is the answer.
Hanwei Practical Katana (SH1070) |
Points: 16
The Practical Katana gives the martial artist the opportunity to own and use a Hanwei sword at the cost of an economy sword. The blade is forged and differentially tempered, using the same process as the more expensive blades and producing an HRC60 edge and HRC40 back. The temper line is authentic and prominent. Cost savings are effected by using fittings which, while making no claims to authenticity, are very strongly built to withstand the rigors of cutting exercises in the dojo.
Forged high-carbon steel blade
Differential tempering
Hanwei made
Hanwei Practical Plus Katana (SH2073) |
Points: 22
The "Practical Plus" Katana provides a very economical cutting sword as dependable as the Practical Katana (SH1070), but using more traditional fittings and construction methods. The blade is forged and differentially tempered (HRC60 edge, HRC40 back) and the hamon is prominent. The Practical Plus features genuine Same (Rayskin) on the Tsuka, with a wrap (Tsuka-Ito) specially developed for its gripping qualities. The long tang is double-pegged for security. The fittings of the Practical Plus are decorated in a Japanese Dogwood motif with dragon menuki, and the handsome Tsuba is of an iron "sunburst" design with a brass habaki.
Fully functional
Hand-forged high-carbon steel blade
Differential tempering
Hanwei Raptor Shinogi Zukuri Katana (SH2414) |
Points: 16
The Raptor Shinogi-Zukuri blade, which has evolved as the most common Japanese katana blade design, provides both speed and cutting power. Featuring a distinct yokote, such blades were originally produced after the Heian period, around 987 AD.
The blade of the Raptor katana is hand forged in 5160 high carbon steel and is specifically heat treated to produce very high resilience and greater tolerance to misdirected cuts than a conventionally differentially tempered blade.
The blade geometry is configured to facilitate the cutting of both soft and semi hard materials without chipping, allowing the user a wider range of targets.
Cotton wrapped tsuka.
Tsuba, fuchi and kashira features a beautiful Raptor motif.
Black matte finish wood saya.
Comes with black sword bag.
Hanwei Raptor Unokubi Zukuri Katana (SH2415) |
Points: 15
The Raptor Unokubi-Zukuri (Cormorants Neck) blade design is patterned after the shape of the Naginata, the powerful long-handled weapon popular between the 12th and 14th centuries. Notable for the strongly relieved shinogi-ji and diamond-shaped kissaki, the Unokubi-Zukuri provides excellent balance in a strong cutting blade.
The blade of the Raptor katana is hand forged in 5160 high carbon steel and is specifically heat treated to produce very high resilience and greater tolerance to misdirected cuts than a conventionally differentially tempered blade.
The blade geometry is configured to facilitate the cutting of both soft and semi hard materials without chipping, allowing the user a wider range of targets.
Cotton wrapped tsuka.
Tsuba, fuchi and kashira features a beautiful Raptor motif.
Black matte finish wood saya.
Comes with black sword bag.
Hanwei Raptor Shobu Zukuri Katana (SH2417) |
Points: 15
The Raptor Shobu-Zukuri (Iris Leaf) blade has an elegant shape and powerful cutting ability. Notable for the absence of a Yokote transition, this blade design became popular during the Nanbokucho era (1336 ~1392 AD) and its popularity continued into the Muromachi period.
The blade of the Raptor katana is hand forged in 5160 high carbon steel and is specifically heat treated to produce very high resilience and greater tolerance to misdirected cuts than a conventionally differentially tempered blade.
The blade geometry is configured to facilitate the cutting of both soft and semi hard materials without chipping, allowing the user a wider range of targets.
Cotton wrapped tsuka.
Tsuba, fuchi and kashira features a beautiful Raptor motif.
Black matte finish wood saya.
Comes with black sword bag.
Hanwei Three Monkey Katana (SH2329) |
Points: 40
The "Three Wise Monkeys" is a popular symbol of the "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" proverb popular in many cultures around the world. The proverb itself is thought to have originated in China and was brought to Japan by a Buddhist monk, while the association with three monkeys appears to be a Japanese play on words. Our Three Monkey Katana (SH2329) and Wakizashi (SH2330) are built on traditional Shinogi Zukuri style blades with Bo-Hi to reduce weight and improve balance. The high-carbon blade is hand forged and differentially hardened. The blackened iron Tsuba features the "Three Wise Monkeys" in relief.
Hanwei Ronin Katana (SH2360) |
Points: 50
The Story of the 47 Ronin is one of the most celebrated and influential tales of the Samurai from the Edo period. Lord Asano was a powerful Daimyo ordered by the Shogun to entertain guests of the Imperial Family. The highest ranking master of protocol, Kira, was given the task of teaching Asano, among others, proper matters of etiquette in this task. Lord Asano and Kira quickly grew to dislike each other and the teacher insulted his student at every opportunity. No longer able to contain himself, Asano drew his sword upon Kira, wounding him in the attack. This act led to Asano's ordered suicide (seppuku) and the confiscation of his property. On December 14, 1702, nearly one year after Asano's death, 47 of Asano's men (now Ronin), descended upon the mansion of Kira to exact their revenge.
Hanwei Praying Mantis Katana (SH2359) |
Points: 55
The Praying Mantis is a symbol of cunning and power in Japanese culture and is consequently a highly respected theme in Samurai swords. Built on our new L6/Bainite blade (detailed below) in the Shobu Zukuri style with Bo-Hi, and featuring superb koshirae, the Praying Mantis is a very desirable and functional piece. The subdued green silk ito and deep brown of the lacquered saya provide handsome contrast to the dark copper and golden accents of the tsuba, fuchi and kashira. The stalking mantis lies in wait for his next prey, mirroring the power and grace in this exceptional katana.
Thaitsuki Hoso Kumiage Katana (KTN3) |
Points: 45
The Hoso Kumiage Japanese Katana (KTN3) is specially handmade and forged from special high carbon Japanese steel making it an extremely sharp, strong and flexible blade with bo-hi (groove).
Blade is clay tempered(40/60 HRC) , water quenched(not oil) and hand polished.
The tsuka (handle) is covered in same' (ray skin) and the Tsuka Ito (handle wrap) is 100% Japanese silk. The Koshirae (menuki, habaki, fuchi, kashira) are handmade from 99% silver.
The Hoso Kumiage Japanese Katana can be completely disassembled for full maintenance.
Thaitsuki Kumori Katana (KTN4) |
Points: 45
The Kumori Japanese Katana (KTN4) is specially handmade and forged from special high carbon Japanese steel making it an extremely sharp, strong and flexible blade with bo-hi (groove). Blade is clay tempered(40/60 HRC) then quenched in the water. Polishing live blade,razor edge and notarae hamon.
The tsuka (handle) is covered in black same' (ray skin) and the Tsuka Ito (handle wrap) is 100% Japanese silk. The Koshirae (menuki, habaki, fuchi, kashira) are handmade from 99% silver.
The Kumori Japanese Katana can be completely disassembled for full maintenance
Thaitsuki Suekoto Hondachi Katana (KTN5) |
Points: 60
The Suekoto Hondachi Japanese Katana (KTN5) is specially handmade and forged from special high carbon Japanese steel making it an extremely sharp, strong and flexible blade with bo-hi (groove). Blade is clay tempered(40/60 HRC) , water quenched(not oil) and hand polished. Black matt finish saya included with koiguchi(buffalo horn).
The tsuka (handle) is covered in black same' (ray skin) and the Tsuka Ito (handle wrap) is 100% Japanese silk. The Koshirae (sword mounting/fittings) are handmade from 99% silver.
The Suekoto Hondachi Japanese Katana can be completely disassembled for full maintenance.
Thaitsuki Kanshiki Wakizashi (WK01) |
Points: 35
The blade is Koto style, forged from Japanse High Carbon steel, clay coated, heat treated(differentially tempered 40/60 HRC), hand polished and features a half bo-hi. The Koshira feature a eligent Koto style design. The saya has a rich dark brown gloss finish with a buffalo horn Koiguchi. The tsuka ito is wrapped in a golden brown Japanese silk with black same' and features brass antique style Fushi, Kashira, tsuba and 99% silver menuki, seppa and silver Habaki.
The Kanshiki Japanese Wakizashi is forged using the Japanese Nihonto metheod and can be completely disassembled for full maintenance. This Japnese wakizashi is extremely sharp and is fully functional.
Thaitsuki Isamashii Wakizashi (WK02) |
Points: 40
The blade is Koto style, forged from Japanse High Carbon steel, clay coated, heat treated, hand polished and features a half bo-hi. The Koshira feature a eligent Koto style design. The saya has a rich black gloss finish with a buffalo horn Koiguchi and silver kurikata. The tsuka ito is wrapped in a black Japanese silk with white same' and features brass antique style Fushi, Kashira, tsuba and 92.5% silver menuki, seppa and silver Habaki.
The Isamashii Japanese Wakizashi is forged using the Japanese Nihonto metheod and can be completely disassembled for full maintenance. This Japnese wakizashi is extremely sharp and is fully functional.
Hanwei Tea Culture Katana (SH2331) |
Points: 30
In Japan the traditional method of serving tea is a celebrated art form in itself. This highly ritualized ceremony is an involved process, the most elaborate of which can last hours and is reserved for the most distinguished of guests. Our Tea Culture Daisho (SH2331, SH2332) captures the essence of this important tradition. The Katana and Wakizashi are built upon a traditional Shinogi Zukuri style blade with Bo-Hi. The high-carbon blade is hand forged and differentially hardened using the traditional clay method. The Koshirae (furniture) feature the typical elements present in a Japanese tea ceremony. The handle is wrapped with suede leather in a Katati Make (battle wrap) style. Sold Out
Tags: martial arts, katana, iaito, sword, fencing, tonfa, boken, bokken, kama, shinai, samuraj, judo, karate, kenjutsu, kenjitsu, ninja, kungfu,