Category: » Swords » Japanese - Hanwei(Paul Chen) |
Hanwei Practical PRO Katana |
Due to demand, the Practical Pro Katana (SH2162) has an extended tsuka and a thicker and longer blade. The blades are constructed from hand-forged, high-carbon steel and are differentially tempered using a traditional claying method. The Practical Pro has a fine polish to it compared to others in the series. The tsuka is wrapped with synthetic black leather for its gripping characteristics and is double-pegged for safety. The saya is done in a deep black lacquer with a black Japanese cotton sageo. The fittings (koshirae) are done in antiqued black iron. The katana is stylized with a round Kuruma tsuba, which represents the "Wheel of Dharma", symbolizing the Buddhist concept of the Noble Eightfold Path. For those interested in an economical katana that can stand the rigors of heavy cutting (tameshigiri), the Practical Pro is an excellent choice.
Antiqued Fittings
Hand-Forged High Carbon Steel Blade
Deep Black Lacquered Saya
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Tags: paul chen, hanwei, katana, katanas, wakizashi, tanto, samurai sword, samurai swords, japanese sword, sharp sword, sharp swords, sharp katana, sharp katanas, shinken, hanwei shinken, paul chen shinken, hanwei katana, paul chen katana, hanwei katanas, paul chen katanas,