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Hanwei Live Rapier Blade (OH2327)  
Hanwei Live Rapier Blade (OH2327) Points: 4  
Live Rapier Blade for rapiers: Renaissance Style Swept Hilt Rapier (SH1024), Bone Handled Swept Hilt Rapier (SH1092), Solingen Rapier (SH2205, SH2205N), Torino Rapier (SH2204, SH2204N), Gustav Rapier (SH2206, SH2206N).
In stock 83,00 EUR

Cold Steel Sword Colichemarde (88CLMS)  
Cold Steel Sword Colichemarde (88CLMS) Points: 30  
The Colichemarde emerged on the sword scene in the late 1600's during the decline of the Rapier and the rise of the small sword. Its long suit was its uniquely shaped blade that was extra wide at the forte then stepped down or narrowed for the rest of its length before ending in a wicked point. The advantage of this configuration was it allowed the sword to be used to parry or oppose even the heaviest weapons without breaking, yet remain light and supple enough to take full advantage of its lightning quick point.
  441,00 EUR

Pecoraro Fencing Sabre (SH2199)  
Pecoraro Fencing Sabre (SH2199) Points: 6   Additional photo in details view
One of the rapidly growing arts within historical fencing societies is that of sabre fencing in the late 19th century Italian style, originating with fencing masters who were employed to train mounted troops in the effective use of military sabre. This particular sabre (SH2199) is based on an original used by Italian fencing master Salvatore Pecoraro. The hilt design developed by Pecoraro has been reproduced in our fencing sabre SH2199, with a stainless steel guard & a wire-wrapped imitation sharkskin grip. The high-carbon flex-tempered steel blade closely follows the proportions of the period and is button-tipped for safety. A replacement blade (OH2264A) is available for the Pecoraro Sabre.
  229,00 EUR

Radaelli Fencing Sabre (SH2200)  
Radaelli Fencing Sabre (SH2200) Points: 6   Additional photo in details view
Guiseppe Radaelli, 19th century Milanese fencer of the northern Italian school, is noted for the development of modern sabre play with a light, narrow-bladed weapon. Radaelli was a teacher of mounted troops and was concerned exclusively with the military use of the sabre. The Radaelli Sabre (SH2200) is replicated from an original piece with remarkable balance, durability, and swiftness. . The hilt design developed by Radaelli has been reproduced in our fencing sabre SH220, with a stainless steel guard & a wire-wrapped imitation sharkskin grip. The high-carbon flex-tempered steel blade closely follows the proportions of the period and is button-tipped for safety. A replacement blade (OH2264A) is available for the Radaelli Sabre.
  169,00 EUR

Hutton Fencing Sabre (SH2201)  
Hutton Fencing Sabre (SH2201) Points: 5   Additional photo in details view
A proponent of the French school of fencing, Alfred Hutton was a British fencing master that did much to modernize sabre technique as it was fenced at the time. Hutton is acknowledged for breathing new life into the sport of fencing after it had fallen into the category of anachronistic, esoteric activities. The Hutton Sabre (SH2201) is crafted after an original with a stainless steel guard & a wire-wrapped imitation sharkskin grip. The blade & hilt of the Hutton sabre are closer to the style of the true military sabre. The blade is somewhat shortened & lightened, with a rounded tip for effective training.
In stock 175,00 EUR

Hanwei Practical Rapier - 37 inch blade (SH1099)  
Hanwei Practical Rapier - 37 inch blade (SH1099) Points: 10   Additional photo in details view
Hilt and Cup-Hilt Rapiers we have developed a number of other weapons for the Renaissance fencer. The Schlaeger Rapiers utilize a popular swept hilt, modified to accommodate our schlaeger blades in 37 (SH1099) and 43 (SH1098) lengths. These tapered blades provide a superior balance compared to the traditional parallel-sided schlaegers, making for a faster sword. Replacement blade available: OH1061.
  289,00 EUR

Hanwei Practical Rapier - 43 inch blade (SH1098)  
Hanwei Practical Rapier - 43 inch blade (SH1098) Points: 10   Additional photo in details view
Hilt and Cup-Hilt Rapiers we have developed a number of other weapons for the Renaissance fencer. The Schlaeger Rapiers utilize a popular swept hilt, modified to accommodate our schlaeger blades in 37 (SH1099) and 43 (SH1098) lengths. These tapered blades provide a superior balance compared to the traditional parallel-sided schlaegers, making for a faster sword. Replacement blade available: OH1060.
In stock 289,00 EUR

Fencing Rapier - Schlaeger Blade (SH1032B)  
Fencing Rapier - Schlaeger Blade (SH1032B) Points: 10   Additional photo in details view
Fencing in the Renaissance style plays a prominent part in historical re-enactment, combining the quickness of light blades with the structure and spirit of the duel. In addition to our Practical Swept Hilt and Cup-Hilt Rapiers we have developed a number of other weapons for the Renaissance fencer and these are presented here.
The Schlaeger Rapiers utilize a popular swept hilt, modified to accommodate our schlaeger blades in 37`` (SH1099) and 43`` (SH1098) lengths. These tapered blades provide a superior balance compared to the traditional parallel-sided schlaegers, making for a faster sword.
The Fencing Rapier, a standard in the sport, is available with either the Schlaeger blade (SH1032B) or double-wide Epee (Musketeer) blade (SH1032). Either blade will fit the OL301 sheath. The Main Gauche (SH1033) is fitted with a training blade that combines adequate parrying stiffness at the forte with tip flexibility for safety, making the piece ideal for two-weapon sparring. The AH2143 mask meets international punch-test standards and is recommended for use with these and any other fencing weapons. Replacement blade available: OHLASP01.
  278,00 EUR

Hanwei Practical Main Gauche Blade (OH2256)  
Hanwei Practical Main Gauche Blade (OH2256) Points: 4  
Practical Sparring Main Gauche Blade for: Solingen Main Gauche (SH2208, SH2208N), Torino Main Gauche (SH220, SH2207N) Gustav Main Gauche (SH2209, SH2209N) and Fencing Main Gauche(SH1033), Practical Main Gauche(SH2262).
  112,00 EUR

Hanwei Practical Rapier Blade (OH2255)  
Hanwei Practical Rapier Blade (OH2255) Points: 5  
Practical Sparring Rapier Blade for rapiers: Solingen Rapier (SH2205, SH2205N), Torino Rapier (SH2204, SH2204N), Gustav Rapier (SH2206, SH2206N), Swept Hilt Rapier(SH1024, SH1092).
In stock 84,00 EUR

Hanwei Practical Mortuary Hilt Sword (SH2076)  
Hanwei Practical Mortuary Hilt Sword (SH2076) Points: 13   Additional photo in details view
The Practical Mortuary Hilt Sword (SH2076) is built for the re-enactor. The basket is identical to that of the SH2004 but the blade is unsharpened, with 1/16" edged and a rounded tip, complying with the combat rules of many re-enactment societies.
  315,00 EUR

Hanwei Scottish Court Sword  (SH1214)  
Hanwei Scottish Court Sword (SH1214) Points: 12   Additional photo in details view
Quick and elegant describe the Scottish Court Sword. Replicating an original dating from the 1730's and belonging to an officer in Prince Charles Edward Stuart's army at Culloden, the finely chiseled silver-plated hilt and three-edged hollow ground blade exemplify the consummate skill of the swordsmiths of the period. See model SH2324 for the Practical Fencing Court Sword.
In stock 489,00 EUR

Red Dragon HEMA Tournament Fencing Mask - 1600N  
Red Dragon HEMA Tournament Fencing Mask - 1600N Additional photo in details view
Our Red Dragon HEMA Tournament Fencing Mask has been developed for the serious practitioner. For many HEMA activities our standard Red Dragon HEMA Mask will suffice, but if you are looking for something with a higher level of protection, or looking to fight in tournaments, our Red Dragon Tournament Fencing Mask will perfectly suit your needs. This CEN 2 mask comes in HEMA Black and features a 1600 newton bib, removable washable liner (handwash only) and heavy-duty adjustable strap. Available in Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large.

Red Dragon Fencing Mask  
Red Dragon Fencing Mask Additional photo in details view
At last! The Knight Shop's own brand coaching mask comes to you at a fraction of the cost of other coaching masks on the market.
This fantastic mask features a black mesh and removable (washable) red liner. The bib on this mask is rated at 350 Newtons.
Available in 4 sizes.

Key Features
- Removable liner
- 350 Newton rating.


Samurai Fencing Book Battodo - polish language (G0003)  
Samurai Fencing Book Battodo - polish language (G0003) Points: 1   Additional photo in details view
Pierwszy w kraju podręcznik sztuki posługiwania się mieczem samurajskim napisany przez Tomasza Piotrkowicza - posiadacza najwyższego stopnia mistrzowskiego w szkole miecza Toyama-ryu w Europie, prekursora japońskich sztuk walki - budo w Polsce.
Książka obejmuje wszystkie aspekty tej fascynującej sztuki: historię miecza japońskiego, podstawy posługiwania się kataną, trening w parach, kata czyli formy oraz tameshigiri - przecinanie mat i bambusów.
Ciekawy materiał szkoleniowy, który zawiera około tysiąca zdjęć z udziałem największych mistrzów japońskich, jest przeznaczony zarówno dla początkujących, jak i zaawansowanych praktyków ken-jutsu - sztuki walki mieczem samurajskim.
Podręcznik wydany jest na kredowanym papierze, w miękkiej oprawie, formatu A4.
Wydanie II zmienione.

  1. Miecz duszÄ… samuraja
  2. Batto-do
  3. Miecz do ćwiczeń
  4. Etykieta
  5. Podstawy techniczne
  6. Ubiór treningowy
  7. Waza - techniki
  8. Kumitachi
  9. Kata
  10. Tameshigiri
  11. Wymogi prawidłowego tameshigiri
  12. Szkoła Samurajów
  13. A: Szkoła Samurajów klanu Aizu
    B: ''East meets West: The story of a Polish samurai'' - wywiad

  22,00 EUR

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